Data Security and Privacy Statement - TMS Plugin

The document applies to the TMS Plugin for Jira.

The TMS Plugin is allowing users to create structured test cases and test runs directly in the Jira System

All the information is stored by Jira in customfields and under no circumstances sent back to the vendor services.

There are no cloud services storing or performing any transformation on the data, the only data transformations are performed in the browser of the user or in the backend of your Jira instance.

The test cases may contain any text, it is the responsibility of the user to ensure confidential data is not saved in testcases. As vendor we cannot take any responsibility with regards to the test case data privacy.  Since Jira maintains full tracibility of changes to test cases/runs, in case of private data leakeage into testcases we advise to delete the test case completelly and recreate it.

The license information is being checked by Atlassian, there are no usage statistics being sent to the vendor.

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