Chain Build Tasks for Bamboo


A very simple task that will just trigger another job. The plugin is meant for triggering builds/integration tests after deployment has been completed on an environment.


  1. Anonymous2/13/2018

    This is a great idea for an add-on! Have you considered a way to pass a variable from the build chain task to the Build Plan you want to run? I want to run the task from a deployment project and have the Build Plan I'm calling be aware of the deployment environment I'm calling from.

    1. Should be able in latest version.

  2. For some reason builds just aren't triggered when I try to use this plugin.

    Any idea on how I can start to troubleshoot this?

    1. I've configured multiple tasks in my deployment environment to trigger multiple builds. Nothing special.

    2. which version are you using ?

    3. Atlassian Bamboo version 6.8.1 build 60805 - 13 Mar 19

      Plugin version: 2.5.14

    4. That's the Build Dependency plugin.

    5. It seems to work:

      08-May-2019 16:16:13 Starting task 'Run automated test build' of type ''
      08-May-2019 16:16:13 Finished task 'Run automated test build' with result: Success
      08-May-2019 16:16:13 Starting task 'Run automated test build' of type ''
      08-May-2019 16:16:13 Finished task 'Run automated test build' with result: Success
      08-May-2019 16:16:13 Starting task 'Run automated test build' of type ''
      08-May-2019 16:16:13 Finished task 'Run automated test build' with result: Success

      But when I actually go to the builds, none of them have triggered.

    6. i just tested on a linux/bamboo 6.8.1, all worked fine so I added one stacktrace printing in case of any exception and published a new version for you. if there is some exception we can check it at least.

    7. Faced the same issue:

      simple 24-Aug-2019 19:03:07 Starting task 'Build fresh windows player' of type ''
      simple 24-Aug-2019 19:03:07 Finished task 'Build fresh windows player' with result: Success

      But build has not been triggered

  3. Where can I download this new version or how do I upgrade to it?

    1. directly marketplace

    2. I upgraded to the latest version.
      Unfortunately, it seems to work for one project but not for another randomly and I cannot see any more logs than before, so I'll monitor the situation and let you know when I've found the cause.
      Thanks for the help!

    3. Quite strange, I added exception handling logging but if there is no exception we should not see anything extra.

      maybe permissions are impacting you, person triggering builds not having permissions on the childs...
